FACTORY SECONDS are brand new and come with full SHARKSKIN factory warranty. At Sharkskin we have very high standards when it comes to our finished products and our QC Team occasionally rejects finished products due to small production errors or imperfections. As a result we accumulate factory seconds which are new products with minor imperfections or cosmetic issues such as stitching or logo imperfections.
Factory Seconds are identified with a small green stitch inside the garment that identifies them as having been sold as a Factory Second and our warranty excludes the cosmetic imperfections that makes them a factory second.
Our new SHARKSKIN Versatile Gloves are a great all purpose watersports glove designed for use above and below the water. Ideal for warm or temperate water diving or snorkelling and perfect for paddle sports or personal watercraft use all year round.
Back of the hand is made from a stretch softshell material that is windproof, breathable and provides excellent insulation to keep the hands warm.
Palm is made from a flexible Spandex™ Robex™ fabric is flexible and comfortable providing great 'feel' and dexterity.
A durable silicone texture wear print on the palm provided additional abrasion resistance and grip
Amara finger tips on forefinger and thumb for extra durability and 'feel' on primary use fingers
Elasticated cuff for a wind and water repelling seal
Flexible 4 way stretch and very comfortable to wear
Quick drying and durable
Available in six sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL