FACTORY SECONDS are brand new and come with full SHARKSKIN factory warranty. At Sharkskin we have very high standards when it comes to our finished products and our QC Team occasionally rejects finished products due to small production errors or imperfections. As a result we accumulate factory seconds which are new products with minor imperfections or cosmetic issues such as stitching or logo imperfections.
Factory Seconds are identified with a small green stitch inside the garment that identifies them as having been sold as a Factory Second and our warranty excludes the cosmetic imperfections that makes them a factory second.
Sharkskin EveryWear Action Board Shorts are Australian-made technical watersports shorts designed to be worn all day and every day.
Perfect for swimming, jet skiing, surfing, sailing and foiling, in the kayak or on the SUP board, scuba diving or whatever water sport you enjoy. Wear them in and around the water, then wear them out afterwards.
The water repellent, lightweight flexible fabric makes them extremely comfortable and they dry quickly out of the water for your comfort and to minimise chafe.
Made from high-end, technical recycled fabric in Sharkskin's own solar-powered factory, with the absolute minimum of waste. As lovers of the water and watersports we make the environment a high priority.
These stylish "classic black" board shorts look great out on the town or at the beach.
Everywear Board shorts are handcrafted to ensure a perfect fit and come in a size to fit almost anyone - sizes XS to 4XL.
Women's sizes available for September pre-order.
Being seconds - they are seconds but still fit for purpose.